Friday, August 16, 2013

It's OK for Democrats to be Racists

The following person is constantly ranting on Twitter about Republicans being racist. The irony is that he cites articles and political cartoons that have NOTHING to do with racism. I urge you to check out his timeline so you can see for yourself just how ridiculous it is. Anyway, I confronted him with a video I saw about Bill Clinton apologizing for Robert Byrd, a member of the KKK, and BOTH Democrats. Here was his hypocritical response.

You Can't Love America AND Criticize Obama

There's nothing wrong with criticizing our President especially when criticism is warranted. Criticizing your government is the best way to exercise our Freedom of Speech.

Also, Obama is not the first President in history to be criticized, nor will he be the last.

Lastly, this guy doesn't think it's racist that he should not be criticized just because of his skin color?

Obama Criticism is Racist

Apparently you cannot criticize the President of the US without being a racist.

Since making these comments, it seems a lot of people have responded to her seeking to debate what she had to say. Her response was not to engage them in meaningful debate, but to block them and give them another label: Troll.

Where Do Our Rights Come From? People!

In a response to the tweet below, I had to remind her to read the Declaration of Independence in order to double check her understanding of where our rights come from.

Obstructionism: Not Allowing Obama to Spread Hope and Change

This person believes that Republicans, through obstructionism, are preventing Obama from doing his job. Apparently, the systems of checks and balance is foreign to him. He believes the President is a Dictator and we are just standing in his way of spreading "Hope and Change."

Obama is RESTORING America!

Amazing. I guess I should've asked him what he thought America used to be like and how is it like where Obama is trying to restore it.